The Lore
Binational Inexorable Nonfungible Omniscient Ducks, in short known as Binods, are Gods. They’re here to save us, by creating a new world order - The Binod World Order, a decentralized digital nation.
- Binational- means that all Binods preach the idea that everyone should have more than one nation. Everyone should have a choice, and everyone should get to choose one or many nations that they identify with. The concept of the nation state is relatively new, and to be bound to one nation, regardless of how efficient it is, for the entirety of our lives just by the virtue of being born in that nation, is a system that BINODs are here to free us from. They have freed countless alien races and enlightened them, leading them to be truly independent. On every planet, they introduced a true utopian world where everyone not only chooses their nation but creates one if they deem it necessary to do so.
The idea is simple- Just like anyone can create a currency now, everyone should be able to create a country. Binods remind us that Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, a currency that solves middlemen-induced inflation and saves nations from economic disaster. Binods are here to create Binod World Order- the first decentralized country on the blockchain. Binods know that one day Binod World Order will have a population of millions. One day, everyone will be able to create a country just as easily as everyone can create a currency now.
- Inexorable- This means that Binods cannot be stopped. They cannot be killed. They exist as an idea. And ideas last longer than those trying to suppress them. On foreign planets, Binods have often been ruthlessly hunted and tortured, but they could never be stopped. On one metaphysical reality, Binods were all tossed into the sun. But they returned and enlightened everyone else, freeing planets from uninational propaganda.
- Nonfungible- The genesis block of 9999 Binods are non-fungible, which means there can never be two verifiably similar copies of the same Binod on the blockchain. It is impossible to duplicate, and your ownership of each Binod is permanent. If you choose to sell your Binod, which might be a tempting offer very soon, the ownership of your Binod will verifiably transfer to the seller who is buying your Binod from you.
- Omniscient- Binods are omniscient. They are Gods and they know everything. They have freed thousands of planets and enlightened millions of civilizations, saving them all from eternal servitude.
- Ducks- Binods are ducks. No one suspects ducks to be anything of importance. But that is exactly where they are wrong.
While people of all religions are welcome at BWO, Binods are the Gods of BWO. Ironically worship them, and spread the word about their holiness. Quackamen.
Rarity Chart
Legendary Duels