The Lore

Binational Inexorable Nonfungible Omniscient Ducks, in short known as Binods, are Gods. They’re here to save us, by creating a new world order - The Binod World Order, a decentralized digital nation.

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The idea is simple- Just like anyone can create a currency now, everyone should be able to create a country. Binods remind us that Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, a currency that solves middlemen-induced inflation and saves nations from economic disaster. Binods are here to create Binod World Order- the first decentralized country on the blockchain. Binods know that one day Binod World Order will have a population of millions. One day, everyone will be able to create a country just as easily as everyone can create a currency now.


While people of all religions are welcome at BWO, Binods are the Gods of BWO. Ironically worship them, and spread the word about their holiness. Quackamen.

Rarity Chart

Legendary Duels