BWO has two flags, which can be used interchangeably. Most countries have one flag. We have two.

The Dark Flag -

The Light Flag -

It's a triangle with a red base.

A triangle is the strongest shape in the world, and the red base represents all of us - the believers who are involved in creating something from scratch, building a strong foundation of the first ever decentralised digital nation.

Most people associate the shape of a triangle with The Illuminati. It's time to take that back, and make it our own.

It's easy to make the triangle gesture. It's easy to draw one. It's fairly simple to get one tattooed. Thus, simplicity and ease of replication were the primary principles behind our logo and flag design.

If you're trying to draw the flag, understand that it's not necessary for the lines to perfectly straight lines. It's two lines with red base, and the intent behind the simplicity is to make it easily replicable. Th intent is to be drawn quickly by hand.

Use it wherever you want, hoist it wherever you want. Have fun!