Everyone can be a part of BWO. BWO doesn’t require passports, doesn’t require VISAs, and doesn’t require a lengthy citizenship process.

The only thing you have to do is sign up on the Founder’s Letter to stay in the loop about announcements in your country. That’s it. It’s simple and it’s free. It’s that easy.

However, the on-chain implementation of BWO requires you to do one of two things-

  1. Buy one of the genesis 9999 Binod NFTs. Details of when they'll be available will be conveyed first through the Founder's Letter, and then through the channels of our Citizen Nodes.
  2. Buy and hold X amount (TBA) of BWO's native token. This will be the official currency and governance token of our nation, and details on when they'll be available will be conveyed soon through the Founder's Letter.
  3. Be conferred any honorary NFT.

Along with the above, one does need to verify their citizenship to be a part of nation dashboard. This can be done by asking for verification by replying to a Founder’s Letter email or DMing the official Twitter account.